Make sure you're schedule is complete, your finances are up to date and you've answered your most recent email. How do you assure yourself that you'll never have a missed appointment or a late birthday card to that someone special? Lenmar. Yes, Lenmar makes sure that your PDA is always ready for you so you can be ready to do whatever needs to be done.
Overskrift | |
Producent | Lenmar Enterprises |
Antal pakker | 1 |
Model | PDAHP101X |
Mærke | Lenmar |
Kompatibilitet | Pc |
Produktserie | Lenmar |
Batteri | |
Batterikapacitet | 2880 mAh |
Installeret antal | 1 |
Batteriteknologi | Litiumion |
Service & Support | |
Service & Support | 3 års garanti |
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